Saturday, April 14, 2012

A quick note...

Chapter 14 of UWT has been done for a few days, but LP is out of the country (hopefully having an absolute blast!) and I want to wait to have it beta'd before I post it. It shouldn't be too much longer though. On another note, I am almost completely done with two Supernatural fanfics (one with spanking and one without) that I plan to post very, very soon (unbeta'd since LP has never seen the show). I have also written part of a short story for the disco prompt which I hope to have finished shortly after I post the fanfic.

I am continually amazed by how awesome the readers in this genre are. The comments and emails I've gotten over the last ten months have been so encouraging. It's thrilling to know that others enjoy the strange little stories that come out of my head. Thank you for taking the time to check in on this blog.



  1. I'm sure it's fine. Just post it! LOL.

    1. Thank you for your confidence in me! But LP is to blame (credit!) for at least half the moments that involve touching in the next chapter, so it's better that I waited, heh. Sorry for taking forever though.

    2. Heehee. Rezo's too hot for there not to be enough touching. ;)


  2. TTEEEAAAARRRRRSSS, This is the first time I have hated (disliked) the word vacation,(lie).
    Love the stories can't wait for Chapter 14,(truth).

    1. Aw, no tears. There will always be more stories. Thank you for looking forward to them =D

  3. I love your head, that came out weird, but I love your stories please keep them coming!!!

    1. Ha! I literally snorted with laughter when I read your comment, you caught me totally off guard ;p I'm very glad that you like them though =D


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